龍山寺之戀 |
文.官麗嘉 攝影.孟慶常 |
1978/8 |
中文版 英文版 觀看所有照片 |
精雕細琢的匱牌。 |
Above, the plaque inscribed with the title of the temple. |
巧奪天工的蟠龍石柱。 |
a stone pillar carved in the shape of a dragon. |
充分表現中國建築特色的飛簷。 |
Top and far left, views of the temple and its ornate roof. |
充分表現中國建築特色的飛簷。 |
Top and far left, views of the temple and its ornate roof. |
民間傳說的招魂幡燈。 |
the lantern traditionally supposed to call home the souls of the dead. |
廟內富麗堂皇的雕樑畫棟。 |
the intricate carvings inside the temple. |
暮鼓晨鐘。 |
The drum is beaten only on the eve of the Lunar New Year to signify the passing of the old and the coming of the new |
誦經用的木魚。 |
Muyu, skull shaped wooden drums which the Buddhist monk beats while chanting. |
金璧輝煌的神殿。 |
One of the altars inside the temple. |
暮鼓晨鐘。 |
the bell is rung only on the eve of the Lunar New Year to signify the passing of the old and the coming of the new. |
誦經用的木魚。 |
Muyu, skull shaped wooden drums which the Buddhist monk beats while chanting. |
雙龍奪珠的石雕圖案。 |
A stone carving of two dragons contending for a pearl. |
賣靈芝的老人。 |
Liao Wu-chang and the Lingchi in his shop. |
雕神像的女孩。 |
shops around the temple include those where statues of the gods, are carved and painted, for embroidering Shenjan, a decoration used in Buddhist rites, and selling snake gall, blood and soup. |
繡神壇的女工。 |
shops around the temple include those where statues of the gods, are carved and painted, for embroidering Shenjan, a decoration used in Buddhist rites, and selling snake gall, blood and soup. |
玩蛇少年。 |
shops around the temple include those where statues of the gods, are carved and painted, for embroidering Shenjan, a decoration used in Buddhist rites, and selling snake gall, blood and soup. |