物種革命?──基因工程打造未來世界 |
文.張瓊方 圖.邱瑞金 |
2000/7 |
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基因工程首重實用,例如將抗蟲基因轉殖進植物中,以避免蟲蟲危機。 |
Genetic engineering aims for useful results, such as planting insect-resistant genes in crops. |
抗蟲、抗病、改變性狀,都可藉由基因轉殖達成,圖為基因轉殖的菸草,比對照組足足高了一倍。 |
Resistance to disease or insects, or alterations to the basic nature of a living thing, can all be accomplished by gene transfer. The photo shows transgenic tobacco, which grows twice as fast as the original. |
異種器官移植或分子藥物,將來都可能藉由基因轉殖豬來達成。(養豬科學研究所提供) |
In the future, it is possible that transgenic pigs could be used to produce therapeutic molecules or organs for cross-species transplantation. (courtesy of PRIT) |
基因轉殖豬的產製流程。(養豬研究所提供) |
The "manufacturing process" for a transgenic pig. (courtesy of PRIT) |
大小如郵票的基因晶片上印有九千六百點基因,可以用來協助研究與檢測疾病,目前已有晶片公司開發出腸病毒晶片,提供醫院作臨床測試。 |
This gene chip, the size of a postage stamp, has 9600 genes. These can help in research and disease testing. Even intestinal virus chips have been produced to provide to hospitals for clinical tests. |
人類基因體解碼後,癌症的基因治療又往前邁進一步。國內從事多年的基因治療研究,已接近進行人體實驗的階段。圖上方是不斷增生的癌細胞,下方則是正常細胞。(中研院生醫所研究員楊文光提供) |
The decoding of the human genome means another step forward for gene therapy for cancer. Gene therapy research has been going on in Taiwan for many years, and is approaching the stage of testing on human subjects. The upper photo shows a cancerous cell, which reproduces out of control, while the photo below shows a normal cell. (courtesy of Yang Wen-kuang of the Biomedical Sciences Institute of the Academia Sinica) |
基因治療必須藉由載體將基因傳送進細胞中,圖中棕色的細胞顯示基因已傳送進去並開始表現。(中研院生醫所研究員楊文光提供) |
Gene therapy requires a vector to insert the gene into the cell. The orange colored cells are those in which the gene has already been implanted and begun to function. (courtesy of Yang Wen-kuang of the Biomedical Sciences Institute of the Academia Sinica) |