

篇  名
出  處
A Study of the Succession to the Throne in Ch'ing Dynasty. (The Third Biennial conference of the International association of Historians of Asia .Hongkong,1964)
On the Future of Oriental Cultures. (The 7th Joint Meeting of Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholars. Association of China, Japan & Korea .Tokyo, 1968)
The Value of the "Early Manchu Archives (The Third East Asian Altaistic Conference ,Proc.Taipei, 1969.)
Notes on the Manchu Edition of Ch'ing Emperors' Pan-chi (本紀) (The Fourth East Asian Altaistic Conference, proc . Taipei, 1971.)
Introduction to the Manchu Text Version of the Ch'ing Emperors'Ch'i-chu-chu (Notes on the Emperors' Daily Activities) (起居注) (Central Asiatic Journal,v.17 n.2-4, West Germany, 1973)
New Trend of Manchu Studies. (The 9th Joint Meeting of Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholars Association of China. Japan & Korea ,Proc. Taipei. 1973)
Bridging-East and West: Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People, (The 10th Joint Meeting of Harvard-Yenching visiting Scholars Association of China, Japan & Korea, Proc. Tokyo, 1974)
Emotional Insights into the Personality of a Manchu Emperor-based on the Yung-cheng Emperor's Vermillon Endorsements. (Prepared for the 18th Meeting of the Permanent lnternational Altaistic conference, Indiana,USA, 1975)
The Decline of Manchu Language in China During the Ch'ing Period. (Zentral-Asiatische Studies, Bonn,Germany, 1975)
The Newly-found Manchu Archival Material and the Study of lnner Asian History. (Proc., of the 7th Conft .of the lnternational Asso. of Historians of Asia, Tailand, 1978)
Manchu Collections of East and West. (proc, of the 12th Meeting of Haruard-Yenching. Taipei. 1978)
A Brief Comparison of Two Manchu Manuscripts of the Ch'ien-lung Pen-Chi (本紀),《第五屆東亞阿爾泰學會議紀錄》(頁231-254. Taipei •1980)
The Origin and Value of the Man-Chou Shih-Lu (Manchu VeritableRecords) (《清史檔案研討會論文集》•頁42-65•台北•1981)
A Study of the Manchu Posthumous Titles of the Ch'ing Emperors, Central Asiatic Journal (vol.26, no.3 pp.187-192, West Germany 1982)
On the Romanization System of Manchu Terms in Hummel's Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period (《第二屆東亞阿爾泰學會議紀錄》•頁237-244. Taipei 1983)
The Manchu Emperor K'ang- hsi and Father Ripa. (The 28th meeting of the PIAC, Italy 1985)
Manchu Agriculture During the Period of Nurhaei and Hong Taiji (Altaistic Studies, pp.23-28,Stockhoim, Sweden 1985)
A Study of Manchu Marriage Customs During the Ch'ing Period (31 Permanent lnternational Altaistic Conference, Weimar 1986)
A Brief Discussion of the Korean Yi Dynasty National Gazeteer (The 5th lnternational Conference on Korean Studies, Seoul 1986)

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