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James Lin: Excuse me, I noticed you’re reading an electronics magazine. Did you know there’s a big electronics exhibition in Chicago starting tomorrow?


Barney Miller: Of course! That’s the reason I’m going to Chicago. Hi! My name’s Barney Miller. What’s your name?

(當然知道啊!我就是為了這個才去芝加哥的。我叫Barney Miller,你呢?)

J: James Lin. I’m a sales representative for Woofers Inc., based in Taiwan. Are you looking forward to the exhibition?

(James Lin,台灣Woofers公司的業務代表。你是不是很想參加這個展覽?)

B: I’ve been waiting to go to this show for more than three months. There are going to be companies from over forty different countries.


J: I know. I’m really looking forward to seeing what products will be on the market next year.


B: I’m more interested in the new discoveries which are being made in the electronics industry.


J: Really? Do you mind if I ask what part of the electronics industry you’re in?


B: Not at all. I work in the R&D department of a company based in Los Angeles. We specialize in producing printers.


J: What’s the name of your company? Maybe I’ve heard of it.


B: I don’t think so. We’re just a little company called “Halcyon.”


J: Hmm. Oh, didn’t you come out with an amazingly small but strong but strong hightech printer at the exhibition last year in New York?


B: Yeah, that turned out to be our best seller of the year, but everyone forgets our name.


J: One of my jobs is to look for the products that will be the most successful, and then find out why. So I don’t just remermber the big companies.


B: I like the way you think, James. Would you like to get together for dinner when we arrive in Chicago, so we can talk more about this?...



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