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Sun: Brian, Mr. Mitchell will be arriving in Taiwan for the first time this morning. Id like you to pick him up and help him get settled in.

(Brian, Mitchell先生會在今天早上到台灣,他是第一次來,我希望你去接他,順便幫他安頓好。)

Brian: Can do, Mr. Sun. Which hotel is he booked at?


S: Howard Plaza. Everythings been arranged, under his name.


B: Id better go to the airport not. Shall I take one of the company cars?


S: No. Because were negotiating such a large purchase from Northern Reflections, its in our best interest to show him around in style. Weve rented a limo.

(不。既然要和Northern Reflections談這麼大筆買賣,風風光光地帶他逛逛,會對我們有好處。我們租了一輛豪華轎車。)

B: Good idea. Id better be on my way.


S: Brian, do you have a jacket and tie at the office today?

(Brian, 你今天西裝和領帶有沒有放在辦公室?)

B: Yes. Why do you ask?


S: I know its very humid, and the dress code is pretty casual here. But I think its important to look professional when a client is visiting.


B: I understand. Ill have my suit jacket and tie on when I meet Mr. Mitchell.


S: Fine. And I think it would be proper if you leave your jacket on, unless Mr. Mitchell takes his off first, or mentions how hot it is.


B: I follow you. Then I can suggest that he take off his jacket, then follow suit.


S: Yes. Its important that we pay attention to detail. Mr. Mitchell will be arriving on flight HK 211, from Hong Kong, at 11:20.

(好。對小節也不能馬虎,這是很要緊的。Mitchell先生由香港搭HK 211班機,會在1120分到。)

B: Will he visit our office today?


S: Hell probably have jet lag, so nothings scheduled today.


B: Ill take him right to the hotel then, so he can get some shuteye.


S: Good. And please remind him that dinner is optional tonight, if hes not too tired. Otherwise, we have a meeting scheduled for 10 a.m. tomorrow morning.


B: Well pick him up in both cases?


S: Right. (as Brian is leaving) And Brian, make sure your suit is conservativenothing too loud, eh?



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